At Balanced Spirals you can choose from single or duet classes under the instruction of a qualified Gyrotonic trainer. Gain balance, strength and flexibility with this unique movement method that addresses the entire person.

The fundamentals of the GYROTONIC® methodology consists of a totally new exercise system, using GYROKINESIS® principles as the basis to exercise the musculature while mobilizing and articulating the joints.

This “System” is served by a series of specially designed exercise equipment, which is built around the human body with all regards to total freedom in movement, no restriction to speed and versatility, and enhances rather than distracts from coordination, strength and flexibility.

The motion patterns are natural, turbulence free and pure with no interruption, creating a bridge between contraction and extension through the rotating movement of the joints, resulting in a balanced support system for the skeleton.

Special attention is paid to increase the functional capacity of the spine, resulting in a superior and well-proportioned body, which is significantly less prone to injuries. It also reduces long term accumulation of micro trauma the physique obtains, and extraordinary flexibility and essential strength, culminating in an organic rejuvenation, increased vitality and vigor.